Thursday, June 4, 2015

Michael Jordan
   Michael Jordan had a dream unlike any other. Despite all setbacks and discouragement in his life, Jordan managed to push through adversity. The ultimate goal was reaching success. This attitude allowed him to excel as an athlete.  It is important for athletes to establish a proactive mindset. Establishing an ambitious mindset, guided Michael Jordan. A mindset that pushes you and makes you strive and work hard until you can’t work hard anymore. A mindset where you put your body, life, and mind to the point where you feel like giving up and pushing through it.
  When Michael Jordan was cut from his school’s boy varsity basketball team he was devastated. To many athletes this would be a dream killer, this is the point where many people would have quit on their dreams and just given up, but not Mike.  Michael did the opposite he worked even harder at his craft and improve his skills enough to where he could play at the collegiate level. His college coach stated once that “right after their teams finally game of the season the next day Michael was already preparing for the next season” (Coach Dean Smith)he also said that Michael was the hardest worker he’s ever seen or coached.
  I confess I’ve been in a similar situation as Michael and I had somewhat the same mindset as Michael.  In my young “youthful days” I wasn’t very athletic and with that being said I didn’t fit in with a lot of my friends especially when most of them were sports-minded.  I was type of kid to read books, mangas, and draw in the beginning.  At school I would be picked last if I played any sports game with the kids at my school. I would get teased sometimes and ridiculed for being too small or being too skinny or bad at sports.
   One day though the teasing got too me and I realized if I worked hard and try to learn these sports I could be good or even better then my friends or kids that played them.  From then on I began pushing myself in and physical activity I would do. In P.E. instead of taking breaks on pushups or jumping jacks like my peers did when the teacher wasn't looking I did every single one.  When we ran laps on the track instead of walking like my peers did I would sprint or stride till my legs burn I did anything I could to improve my body.  When it came to sports I started becoming better than some of my peers.
  Michael’s mindset was a very inspiring and it motivated to work even harder today.  He didn’t take any shortcuts or breaks to reach his goals and that’s the same mindset I’m going to have. During practice or school I’m going to do and be the best I can be. Nothing’s going to stop me from doing this and reaching my dream. I want to be like Mike.

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