Sunday, November 30, 2014

Nuremberg Trials

Nuremberg Trials

            Adolf Hitler grew to power in Germany, started the Nazi race and army and had a view of a perfect race that consisted of blue eyed blonde haired people.  Hiltler used the Jewish people as a scapegoat and told all Germany that Jewish people were responsible for all their problems. They captured all the Jews, put them into concentration camps and then killed all of them.  Hitler turned all the Germans against the Jews, causing all Jews to suffer.  They got their homes and goods taken over, got stuck into living in Jewish ghettos; with no food or clothing, forcing them into concentration camps, killing them one by one or stuffing them in gas chambers, and burning them alive.  These people did not deserve to die they were used as scapegoats and were killed for simply being victims of a horrible lie.
            After World War II, the German people who stood alongside Hitler were the cause of 6 million deaths or mass murders.  They were known as the Nazis who were condemned to death on their acts of war crimes.  In "The Arrogance and Cruelty of Power" by Robert H. Jackson, it stated in the Nuremberg trials of November 21, 1945 that, "such evils must never be repeated".  I agree with this quote because never should someone be killed based on their religious beliefs. Millions of innocent Jews were persecuted in the holocaust for simply being Jewish and having different opinions and beliefs compared to Hitler and we need to be aware of such tragedy so that it never again occurs in history. 
             Robert H. Jackson also states, "The things the Nazis did to the innocent is intolerable, it can not be ignored or covered up. What they did is morally inhumane and which consequences they must pay on major war crimes".  This quotes stands out because people should be held liable for their actions no matter whose orders it is under or the situation.  If a man killed there is a price they must pay like Hammurabi's code "an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth".  No one’s death should go unforgotten or unnoticed, it is not right to kill a human being for evil and supporting it.  Innocent people did not deserve to die for one man’s beliefs.

            The Nazis could have done something to stop the horrible acts of torture ordered by Hitler.  Instead, the Nazis let it happen, not only allowed it but supported it as well.  I believe that is the biggest crime anyone can commit; letting evil take a hold of one and letting it take over and consume you.  I am sure there were some Germans who just went allowing with the crowd, but for the ones who knew the wrongfulness of their deeds I hope they paid for the pain they caused.  I am glad some Germans did have some dignity and humanity and tried to save Jews from the horrible Nazis. 

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