Sunday, November 30, 2014

EPT Essay

EPT Essay
We as people tend to admire and follow other people who live a life we won’t ever get to live.  We look up to the ones with wealth, beauty and other riches we don’t possess.
I ask myself why doesn’t Kim kardashian for example look up to any of the people i come from. It’s maybe because we are not "interesting" enough or maybe simply because we are poor. She might think we don’t have anything to offer.  If you were to ask anyone in my community or even my generation they would all know who Kim kardashian is, they would start talking about how wealthy she is or how stunning she looks there would be so many comments positive or negative about her.
The rich and famous rarely ever do anything for the people. They don’t look up to us yet we see them as leaders, idols and people we one day want to become. What have they ever done for us? They don’t treat us like prizes. We give all our attention on those who don’t deserve it.
We tend to ignore the people in our own shoes. There are people who are the real leaders and heroes in our community.

In this passage it states "we tend to regard the success of people at hand, within our own small group, as a threat" this quotes stands out to me because we as a community recognize someone’s success yet we see them as a threat as if they are better than us. We don’t like to see people in the same situation as ourselves and see them rise while we fail if one fails everyone around them must fail as well like that saying " misery loves company" as soon as we see someone doing better we quickly start to judge and envy. We shouldn’t stop these people from trying we should be upset at ourselves for doing anything ourselves. We praise people in this world who don’t deserve it. We need to start valuing and supporting the real leaders of this world. Our society and mentality is so messed up in the head its crazy, a change needs to be done and we need to do it now.


  1. This essay needs to be longer and you need longer paragraphs.

  2. great essay with great detail love the creativity

  3. your essay is amazing. The EPT is stunning, it is written almost perfectly.I like the quotes you used and that you explain it thoroughly. I also like the fact that you did not just write an essay you also had a meaning behind you essay, that we have to change for the better and that every inspirational.

  4. Good essay, very well written with good grammar, and no spell errors. You had a great argument and did well with backing it up with quotations, and explaining what they meant.
